
The Upholstery Is Moving Into The Elite Brands Age

48200000 Yuan!
     November 8,2011, on the fall of the auctioneer's hammer, KUKA HOME won the title at the remarkable auction of CCTV(China Central Television) Prime Time Advertising, which is broadcasted at the 10 seconds after CCTV NEWS. KUKAHOME is known as the industry vane/leader in China, the action proclaims that the upholstery is moving into the elite brands age.
     In the past ten years, the upholstery was in the phase of strategic competition in exhibition and marketing channel, KUKAHOME is different from other industries which always in the media spotlight. Most of them are still struggling under the table for the proportion of the booth in the exhibition or trying to open more new stores.
     The Vice-President from KUKAHOME said in an interview, ”Obviously, KUKAHOME always goes advance of the upholstery in China, as a forerunner, in the last 5-years action, the mainly strategy was exhibition and marketing channel, which performed excellently in the years of worldwide exhibitions, and there’re nearly 1,500 brand stores all over the world. And now, we are deploying the new 5-years plan, and the brand strategy is the primary task. In the future 5 years, brand competition will be the mainly competition in the upholstery, and won the bid of CCTV is the first successful step of the strategic goal.”
      Exactly as the Vice-President said, and go back to the records of the CCTV and other media advertising nearly 5 years, it’s hard to see the furniture manufacture industry here, especially in the CCTV Prime Advertising Resource, KUKAHOME from the furniture manufacture industry won the bid first time.
      When asked about the KUKAHOME 5-years plan, the Vice-President said:” No one can depend on advertising, it’s a tool actually. KUKAHOME never expect building the brand by huge advertisement but hope to depend on the CCTV to carry KUKA culture to more consumers. Just like KUKA deliver the brand by reputation in the past 30 years, CCTV is sort of more efficient mode of transmission. At the same time, it is a kind of our attitude that we are telling people, according to 30 years of efforts, KUKA is ready, we are willing to stand in the spotlight of CCTV to accept more supervision from media and consumers, and to take the social responsibility to the enterprise.”


Kuka “imm Cologne 2012 ,Germany”- The International Furnishing Show

Dear everyone,

You’re cordially invited to visit our “imm Cologne 2012 ,Germany”-The International Furnishing Show in January16-22, 2012

Please find attached invitation card for the upcoming Furnishing shows. And your early confirmation of your visiting date is highly appreciated.
See you soon and travel safe!

Best regards


The first day of the“Experience Kuka 2011”in Shanghai Furniture Exhibitions

Demostrating our products

Hanging out

Introduction & Demostration

Mr. Nattuzi & Mr. Gu comunicating with our clients

Mr. Nattuzi experiencing Kuka's sofa. How comfortable it is!

Our clients taking pictures for our clients

The clients visiting the Kuka showroom

the Kuka Main Entrance


Preview the “Experience Kuka 2011” in Dongguan

Experience Kuka 2011

Kuka Franchise

Our History

Product Training


Team Meeting

The flowers

The Official Visiting Kuka

The Reception Table


Kuka Dongguan Furniture Exhibition Is Coming

Today, KUKA’s first batch of materials and staff are starting off for Dongguan to decorate the exhibition hall. Please wait and come!

You will have the opportunity to experience the new KUKA that with lots of changes. We will be devoting much more time and energy to the setup.

Our dedicated KUKA staffs have arrived in Shanghai with the materials to set up the display for the exhibition. Please stay attuned as we will have more exciting announcement to come!

PSThe 26th Dongguan International Furniture Exhibition will be held from September 5 to 9,2011


Dutch Prince Meet Kuka President

The bilateral cooperation between China and the Netherlands is being continuously deepened and enhanced over the years. Netherlands has become China’s second largest trade partner inside European Union for consecutive seven years.  Under special supports from Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), Prince Willem-Alexander and his wife greeted five enterprise leaders from which have large potential and important investment and development prospects in the Netherlands. And Kuka is privilege to be the first enterprise to be greeted.

Prince Willem Alexander and his wife granted an audience to Kuka President Gordon Gu and his wife. During the audience, Prince Willem Alexander said that this visit is believed to further strength and foster the long-term relations between the two nations.
As one of the leading global manufacturer in the furniture industry, Europe is Kuka’s strategy market for global expansion in which the Netherlands is Kuka’s first option to establish the European Headquarter. The Netherlands will act as the logistics center for Europe in the near future in order to provide better service for Kuka European customers.

Now Kuka has 7 direct-owned stores in the Netherlands, all of which are built in the most important cities in the Netherlands. Kuka plans to open 20 stores in the Netherlands by 2011 and becomes the leading brand in the local furniture market. Increasing economy connections with the Netherlands will continue and is expected to enhance Kuka in the upcoming years.
Kuka will keep on reinforcing the oversea Franchising Store Program worldwide to internationalization of Kuka brand. By investing in the local market to implement the international operation as well as the production in China, the Franchising Store

Program will help Kuka to grow on a global scale.
Maria van der Hoeven, Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands, also met with Kuka President and his wife on the same day. Other government officials are planning to visit Kuka to learn more about Kuka business plans.


Kuka Exhibitions in Sep.2011

Dear everyone, 
You’re cordially invited to visit our Dongguan and ShanghaiExhibitions in September 2011! 

Please find attached invitation card for the upcoming exhibitions. And your early confirmation of your visiting date is
highly appreciated.

See you soon and travel safe!
Best regards

Kuka Designer Team Visits Milan Furniture Fair

The Milan Furniture Fairthe biggest event in the design calendarcelebrated its 50th year which ran between 16-21 of April 2011 with over 2,700 companies on exhibit and expected over 100,000 people to flock through its doors.

Every year, Kuka goes to Milan to experience the new trends in furniture industry. This year, a team of more than 40 designers visited Milan to see the biggest event in the world.

After 6-days visiting, they were impressive about the fascinating designs. “We were interested to see the latest trends in furniture design that featured strongly at the show,” says Mr. Yao, one of the designers. “And it is a meaningful activity, through which I will get more impressive ideas in my future work.”

As a leading upholstered furniture manufacturer in China, Kuka hopes to absorb more cutting edge design elements by attending the world-class event.





The maintenance of sofa




[knowledge] how to make sofa



a. 框架按原材料分,主要由实木和纤维板组成。
b. 实木采用优质、新鲜的东北烘干白桦木,经过熏蒸.烘焙。反弹后的含水率控制在12%以内,不易变形、腐烂和虫蛀,白桦的特点是材质硬.握钉力强,用它做木架刚性远远胜于松木做的木架,成本较高,是做沙发木架最理想的木材。木架主要承受力部分全部用白桦制作。
c. 纤维板:采用国内优质的纤维板,其质量符合国家行业标准,在抗冲击、防水和环保等方面都经过国家有关检测机构检测合格,在木架里起辅助作用。


a. 实木在组装前经过四面光处理,每一个框架都是一个工艺品。
b. 为了完善构造以及加固框架, 框架的每一个接合处都使用经过充分而精确切割的木制三角架进行定位,并且在承受力最大的部分用胶水和螺钉进行固定。
c. 采用台湾优质直钉枪,确保每一个接口的牢固性。



a. 海绵:按密度来分,一般分为中密度和高密度,密度的单位为克/立方厘米,是海绵的一个主要指标。但海绵给人的直接感官就是它的弹性和柔软性。所以海绵又可以为高回弹和低回弹、硬、软、超软之分,根据沙发的部位,选用不同密度。不同柔软的海绵,但优质的海绵一般都是高回弹的。欧尚·金通惠沙发的海绵由国内最优秀的海绵厂家提供,在沙发的回弹性、柔软性和耐久性方面应处于同行领先地位。
b. 羽绒:用于背、腰垫内部的填充物,经过高温漂洗及防虫处理,特点是舒适性好,有质感,人靠在背垫上有一种被包容的感觉。
c. 绷带:沙发坐箱内使用5公分宽规格绷带,其胶丝拉比为1:27,伸缩强度超过5万次,抗老化性能好且耐高温,被广泛应用于沙发。


a. 框架上覆盖一层1-2cm厚的海绵,表面再紧粘一层布,最少程度的减少面料与框架的磨擦。
b. 采用台湾优质马钉枪,确保绷带等重要部位的牢固性。


1. 面料种类:欧洲进口和国内合资面料是我们主要的选择。无论是色牢度和耐磨度,克重均优于国家行业标准(300克/平米)
2. 表面缝纫采用台湾电动高速平缝机,员工上岗全部经过专业培训,针脚均匀平整,每块面料均经过琐边处理。


1. 拉链:经过我们的专业技术人员从众多生产厂家中精心筛选后,,独家生产的带有Cuddle字样的拉链,保证客户在清洗外套时,拉动顺滑,不易损坏拉链。
2. 地脚:采用标准五金件,度锌/铬防锈处理,克服了普通五金件易生锈的弊病,底部均有橡胶或尼龙胶垫保护地板。所有五金件都由国内行业正规厂家供应。
3. 五金配件:专业厂家定模生产,原料打磨后镀铬处理.亮度好、耐磨,所有电镀配件为环保电镀,不使用含氰化合物的电镀液。


一、 三大原则

1. 和谐搭配

2. 天然为上

3. 舒适第一
a.单人沙发座位前部宽度 ≥ 480mm;
d.扶手高 ≤ 250mm;

二、 八项注意

1. 注意沙发面料和色彩的选择;
2. 注意沙发的结构(强度和钢度);
3. 注意沙发的材料是否经过正常的干燥,是否有霉烂变形;
4. 注意沙发的扶手大小、高低、长短是否一致;
5. 观察面料颜色是否光亮如新,有无脱边及划损,外露零件有无毛刺、锐角、虚棱和齿口;
6. 推动沙发时脚是否高低一致,螺丝是否上好;
7. 背座垫软硬适中,空手用力加压于表面时,不应有金属磨擦及其他异响;
8. 沙发内部及外部的金属配件及弹簧不得生锈。中国家具论坛 


Kuka International Trade Department Held Speech Contest

Though the daily work is extremely busy, Kuka people still benefits a lot through the company’s activity. On June 25th, 2011, the International Trade Department held a speech contest titled “Upgraded with Kuka Home” on the fifth floor of Kuka office.

More than 30 contestants took part in the speech contest and all of them all gave a wonderful speech. After the end of the contest, the Director of Training Department Chen Yisheng said, “It is the best speech contest I’ve ever attended at Kuka. In a word, it is outstanding.”

Zhang Lili, from Order Management wins the first prize. And the second prize winner is Ripply Zhu from Key Account Department. The third prizes go to Monica Ge, Cathy Lin and Cherry Luo.


Kuka University Established

Facing tremendous challenges in terms of competition, enhanced customer expectations, and the ever-changing business environment, Kuka began to set up our own inner training centerKuka University.

On June 28, 2011, Kuka president Jason Gu announced the setup of Kuka University and gave a speech of Kuka’s strategy and the importance of Kuka University; meanwhile the “Kuka University Lecture Certificate Reward Ceremony” was held at Kuka headquarter.

Before the opening ceremony, Director of Kuka Training Department Chen Yisheng introduced the mission and concept for Kuka University. In the past 1 year, the Training Department has held more than 40 courses training around 5900 employees with the course satisfaction degree of 92.39%.

edit by : Damon    From:http://www.kukahome.in


EMBA Students from Davenport University Visited Kuka

The Davenport University from United States organizes an annual international study tour in China. In order to enhance the relationship between Kuka and Davenport University and allow the Executive MBA students the opportunity for hands-on reviews of international counterparts and partnerships, Professor Steven Bayus and his EMBA students Paul, Sunset and Eric visited Kuka, which is one of the largest upholstery manufactures in China.

“I would like to thank you for hosting our visit to your organization, learning about the inter workings of your particular business was fascinating.  It was a wonderful experience, it exceeded beyond my expectations.  I have learned quite a bit about Chinese Culture as well as how Chinese conduct their business.  This will help me tremendously in my future endeavors,” said Sunset, one of the EMBA students.


Kukahome--Experience Changing

Inspiration, the relentless pursuit from top designers;
Cohesion, the life wisdom raised from worldly artists;
Touch, the perfect presentation from refined materials;
Focus, the best elaboration of craftsmanship and technology.

This is the global supplier in 186 countries;
This is the leader in upholstered furniture industry;
This is the advocator of fashion lifestyle;
This is a company specializes in living-room and bedroom furniture;
This is KUKA.

KUKA runs thousand of brand stores in Holland, France, Bulgaria, Korea and China.
We are dedicating ourselves to provide home living solutions that allow families to gather, people to relax, friends to chat in total comfort.